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Research Groups

publicado 15/02/2023 12h17, última modificação 24/04/2023 14h11
Graduate Program in Civil Engineering I PPGECI

Laboratory of Performance, Structures and Materials - LADEMA
Leaders of the Group: Edna Possan and Ana Carolina Parapinski dos Santos

Carbon Use and Capture in the Construction Industry | CO2-Construction
Leaders of the Group: Edna Possan and Alex Neves Júnior

DASMAE - Research Group on Data Science and Machine Learning Applied to Engineering
Leader of the Group: Emerson Felipe Felix

Theoretical, Computing and Experimental Mechanics of Structures
Leaders of the Group: Aref Kalilo Lima Kzam and Ulises Bobadilla Guadalupe

Sustainability and Environment - SOMA
Leaders of the Group: Katia Regina Garcia Punhagui and Egon Vettorazzi