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Projects and Actions

publicado 09/06/2020 14h32, última modificação 25/08/2020 17h09

The social insertion of PPGRI-UNILA, in line with the institutional policy of the university, exists in three complementary geographical spaces: the city of Foz do Iguaçu, the trinational region and Latin America.

As far as the impact in the city of Foz do Iguaçu is concerned, PPGRI-UNILA has been working with the City Government through the Board of International Relations for the consolidation of the internationalization of the city, as well as for the development of subsidies for local border policies. Parallel to this, professors of PPGRI coordinate and participate in educational programs for teaching Portuguese, French, Arabic language and culture for foreigners living in Foz do Iguaçu, with great involvement of students from Unila and the population of Foz.

The impact on the trinational region can be observed in the recurring engagement of PPGRI professors in actions with consulates, universities and public bodies with the purpose of developing public policies involving the countries of the border region regarding themes such as mobility, border traffic, citizenship, border, access to health and education.

The impact on the Latin American region can be measured through the two pillars of action of PPGRI: the quality education provided for Latin American students and the constant synergy with regional integration organizations for the development of researches and policies aiming at regional integration.