Graduate Program in Biosciences (PPG-BC)
PPG-BC develops education and research activities in the fields of Biological Sciences applied to Health and Biotechnology because it aims at creating professionals in these fields of knowledge. The program is international and it aims at academically and scientifically integrating students from Brazil and from several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The teaching staff of the program is composed by researchers who are young and have diverse education backgrounds in various areas of the Biological Sciences, such as Medicine, Biology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Collective Health and Biotechnology, with experience in teaching and research activities in UNILA in collaboration with different education and research institutions.
The primary aim of the Program is to create professionals who have a Master’s Degree and a solid and broad educational background in Biosciences and who are able to work in teaching, in industry, in research and in the development of products and services, at scientific research and regulatory agencies of the fields of health/biology, both national and internationally, in accordance with UNILA’s vocation.

Abertas as inscrições para o mestrado em Biociências
Candidatos podem realizar inscrições no programa até o dia 1º de dezembro
Congresso Mundial de Medicina do Esporte
Acadêmico da UNILA irá apresentar sua pesquisa sobre o avanço do tratamento do diabetes no 38º Congresso Mundial de Medicina do Esporte, em Dubai, no mês de outubro.
Banca de Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado - Biociências
Defesa de dissertação de mestrado em biociências da discente Sabrina Thais Fabichaki
Banca de Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado - Biociências
Defesa de dissertação de mestrado em biociências do discente Kevin David Sanchez Chicaiza