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publicado 27/01/2023 15h40, última modificação 27/01/2023 15h40
Programa de Posgrado en Física Aplicada I PPGFISA


Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physical Sciences used in the Master’s Degree Program in Applied Physics

Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physical Sciences (LICF) was created within the idea of the great Multiuser Laboratories. LICF holds research equipment for individual projects by the professors of Physics and also larger equipment that was purchased by the university with institutional resources, in the multiuser structure.

The idea of LICF is to offer the community of UNILA and of Western and Southwestern Paraná an infrastructure for the development of research in several fields of knowledge. Physics is, on its own, an interdisciplinary field. The laboratory is available to be used by researchers of various fields of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and correlated areas.

There are two professors who are responsible for the Laboratory: Professor Rodrigo Leonardo de Oliveira Basso and Professor Marcelo G. Hönnicke. LICF is located in the Itaipu Technological Park, Bloco 15, Espaço 3, Sala 1.


 Collection of the Library of UNILA available for the Graduate Program in Applied Physics (PPGFISA)

The Latin American Library (BIUNILA) has two units: the central Library (BIUNILA), which is located in the Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) and the sectoral Library (BIUNILA JU), which is located in Jardim Universitário, both of them in the city of Foz do Iguaçu.

The collection of the libraries is composed by physical and digital works and it integrates the pedagogical project of the courses offered by UNILA. Its growing collection has the mission of serving the whole academic community, as well as the whole three-border region.

In PTI, BIUNILA is part of the Paulo Freire Library, where there is also the collection of the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (FPTI), the Department of Engineering and Exact Sciences of the State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste), of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) and of Itaipu Binacional (IB). The academic community of UNILA can access the collections of Unioeste and IB in person, but the collections of FPTI and UAB are available for book lending.

BIUNILA strengthened its presence in Jardim Universitário in order to adapt to the institutional demands, and it has been developing a collection that includes the fields approached by the courses of the Latin American Institute for Arts, Culture and History (ILAACH) and of the Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences, which is linked to the Latin American Institute for Life and Natural Sciences (ILACVN). The activities of the Library are focused on: Making informational scientific-technical material available for consultation and lending; Providing education sessions for users to better enjoy its physical and digital resources; Providing space for studies (both individual and group studying) and computers for accessing the Internet and research.

Check the website of the Library